D Day Veterans set sail for Normandy 80 years on

Veterans heading for Normandy received a spirited send-off today Tuesday 4 June, heralding three days of D-Day 80th anniversary events.

Vintage and serving Royal Navy warships will escorted the Brittany ferry from Portsmouth Harbour transporting around 40 men and women connected with the Normandy landings as they head to France for possibly the final salute.

The 80th anniversary of D-Day is likely to be the last milestone marked on a grand scale on both sides of the Channel in the memory of those who were there in 1944.

The youngest survivor of the operation is aged 98, many veterans have chosen not to make the pilgrimage to France in favour of attending commemorations here in the UK one of which is to be held in Southsea.

Eighty years after the Medusa and her crew set off into the unknown, guiding the invasion fleet to the beaches, this remarkable 1943 wooden vessel is ready to retrace her steps to her station off Omaha beach. She will be joined a flotilla of serving and vintage vessels to escort Mont San Michelle, a Brittany Ferry carrying veterans on behalf of the Royal British Legion to partake in anniversary events. With the fuel paid for from a fundraising drive, the HDML will transit to Pegasus Bridge, and along to Grandcamp Maisy at the end of Omaha beach. From there, she will head to Cherbourg (10 June), and return to Portland (UK) the next day.

Joined by vintage aircraft in the skies, this historic crossing will bring with it great emotion and commemoration as we remember the lives of those lost and celebrate the courage of all who made their way to Normandy 80 years ago. This  anniversary event will be very important and heart felt for one of the crew  members of the Medusa as his father was involved in the  1944 mission.

Visit the HMS Medusa website to learn more about the vessel and her story, to visit her in Portsmouth, or to donate to her trust



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